Handbag essentials

Every girl should have a handbag to keeps their go-to essentials in. Here is my list of what you should keep in your handbag:

  • of course, your purse. Obviously this is super important!
  • Keys
  • A small water bottle. Always make sure you have water, even if it’s just a little bit!
  • Perfume. I like to take mine in a small portable bottle, so I can just spritz some on every now and then!
  • Lip balm, lipgloss, mascara and concealer. These are the makeup essentials that you absolutely need to take with you wherever you go!
  • A snack. Just something small, like a granola bar, or something sugary.
  • Emergency kit. This involves a plaster, pads, tampons, or whatever you use!
  • Notebook and pen
  • Small hairbrush

I know this seems like a lot but trust me, it is all so necessary! Every girl should be ready for any occasion! Email me if you have any questions, or Want links to anything!!